White Plains, NY Monday Evening Meditation Meeting
Zoom 11th Step Meditation Meeting St. Louis11th Step meditation meeting open to all 12 step programs. code 891 7068 0015 password Prayer
There is a growing interest in meditation meetings in the 12 Step communities across the country. We would like to provide a listing of the 12 Step Meetings that provide a setting for meditation by incorporating a period of Silence in the meetings. We have found these types of meetings can provide a nurturing and encouraging setting where those new to meditation can explore the benefits of this type of prayer/meditation in a group setting. We are compiling a lists of the 11th Step Meditation meetings and encourage you to add any meetings that you know about in your area to our list. You may submit 11th Step Meeting information to our listing or update a current listing.
Click Here to Learn How to Set Up a Meeting in Your Area
What is a 12 Step CP Group? The most important thing to be clear about is that this is not a 12-step meeting (i.e. AA, Al-anon, OA, NA, SA…). A 12 Step CP group is made up of others in 12-step recovery who practice or want to practice Centering Prayer as an 11th Step practice and it is intended to help deepen our CP practice. It usually consists of a CP period, a 20 – 30 minute period of study related to CP, and sometimes a discussion about the material and the relationship to recovery. Since this is not a 12-step meeting, we are free to discuss CP openly without fear of voicing an “opinion on an outside issue.” Contemplative Outreach (CO) has used this format of small groups for many years to form a spiritual network of support for those practicing CP. Those of us in 12-step recovery also find this to be extremely important in maintaining our 11th step practice and as a way to encourage others or introduce others to the practice. You may submit your 12 Step Centering Prayer Group to the listing.
Click Here to Learn How to Set Up a Group in Your Area
11th Step meditation meeting open to all 12 step programs. code 891 7068 0015 password Prayer
Online 12 step centering prayer session. The group reads sequentially through the book by Tom S. and Fr. Keating "Divine Therapy", holds a very brief discussion, then has a timed […]
11th Step Mediation Meeting (in-person only) In Person location: First Church UCC 1407 N. 2nd Street Phoenix, AZ. 85004 Room 14
11th Step AA meeting format with a 15 min meditation, daily reflection, and sharing Zoom ID 220 597 9191 PW 2mGNOC On-Line
The purpose of this group is to support each other’s spiritual growth through the practice of the 11th Step using Centering Prayer or another form of meditation. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81071455560?pwd=cTZUUE9zMldYd3ZrSi9xUkxYRUFydz09 Meeting ID: […]
A short reading from the 12 & 12, followed by 20 minutes of meditation, a speaker shares about their 11th Step practice and finally group sharing.
Meeting ID: 882 9176 2938 Meeting Password: 537626 Contact Person: Liedeke B lbulderart@gmail.com Format: Intros, Serenity Prayer, CP Guidelines followed by 20 minutes of Centering Prayer/Meditation, reading (Divine Therapy & […]
Meeting ID: 882 9176 2938 Password: 537626 Contact: Liedeke B Email: lbulderart@gmail.com
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87513225308?pwd=MHJqMUgzcy96YVpwc0l1b2FQUkdmQT09
AA Preamble, How it works, Promises, small guidance on Meditation, Eleventh Step Prayer, 20 Minute Silent Meditation, 10 Minute Speaker, and group share concluding with Serenity Prayer.
New Meeting ID: 892 685 972 Password: meditation
Centering Prayer with readings from Divine Therapy & Addiction by Thomas Keating
Open AA 11th Step Meditation Meeting which meets in person at Cross Fit Happy Streets in the Grove neighborhood. 20 Minutes of silent meditation followed by a speaker and then […]
Step 11 Centering Prayer Meeting "OPEN TO ALL FELLOWSHIPS" ZOOM ID: 353 864 4354 PW: 953 660 NOTE: THIS MEETING IS IN THE UK, 8:30PM BST IS 3:30PM ET, 2:30PM […]
11th Step AA meeting format with a 15 min meditation, daily reflection, and sharing Zoom ID 220 597 9191 PW 2mGNOC On-Line
The purpose of this group is to support each other’s spiritual growth through the practice of the 11th Step using Centering Prayer or another form of meditation. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81071455560?pwd=cTZUUE9zMldYd3ZrSi9xUkxYRUFydz09 Meeting ID: […]
A short reading from the 12 & 12, followed by 20 minutes of meditation, a speaker shares about their 11th Step practice and finally group sharing.
A short reading from the 12 & 12, followed by 20 minutes of meditation, a speaker shares about their 11th Step practice and finally group sharing.
We begin with AA opening ; St Francis Prayer; 20 min of centering prayer; then sharing on 11th step.
Centering Prayer Meditation Meeting Every week on Wed
NOTE: An Admin will review your submission before it is added to the calendar.